[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Many woman discover that their allergies increase dramatically when they are pregnant, with many even developing allergies for the first time during pregnancy. To make matters worse what is safe to take at this time decreases dramatically and so ‘mums to be’ are left to just put up with it.

NAET doesn’t require you to take anything and is safe during pregnancy. It’s painless, drug free and completely uncomplicated for you and your bub.

The best things you can do if you’re pregnant and suffering from allergies is to support a healthy immune response, along with improving your digestion.

Things that are safe to take while you’re pregnant and that help your digestion and immune systems are:

Zinc – needed to make adequate stomach acid which helps breakdown proteins. Not only does having adequate HCL (stomach acid) help with morning sickness, it helps break down the proteins in your food. Many woman find eating protein throughout the day stabilizes their blood sugars and feelings of nausea, and of course is needed for your developing chub. Zinc is also great for your immune system.

Vitamin C – supports the natural histamine response and may lower levels. Histamine is responsible for the symptoms we experience during an allergy attack – sneezing, redness, swelling and itching etc. Vitamin C is found in citrus, fruits and vegetables – good levels in tomatoes and rosehip tea. You may need to supplement for extra levels as higher are needed. Use a good quality naturally derived supplement.

Vitamin B’s – support a range of things in the body. They help with stress, great for the adrenals, help the liver and digestion and also fab for nausea and obviously the big one during pregnancy, folate. Use a good quality naturally sourced vitamin B complex as a base and top up with extra folate and B6 for nausea.

Colostrum – supports a healthy immune response as well as great for the gut.

Probioitics / fermented foods – sauerkraut, kefir, capsules, good quality yoghurt – all necessary for healthy gut function where most of our immune system resides.

Quercetin – a bioflavanoid that stabilizes the membranes of the cells that are releasing histamine, therefore supporting the natural histamine response. Quercetin is found in onion, buckwheat and apples.

Ginger & cinnamon tea – relieves congestion in the nose, sinuses and lungs. Ginger is also a great anti nausea herb

Bromelein – antiinflammatory, found in pineapple but make sure you eat the hard center – this is where the enzymes are. Use fresh not tinned.

Honey & lemon drink – soothe a sore irritated throat.

Calendula and chamomile externally – soothing eye bath

Fatty acids/EPA/DHA – anti-inflammatory. Found in sardines, nuts and seeds, oily fish, avocado.


  • Obviously one of the best solutions to your allergies is avoiding the offending substance(s)- Not always possible! However reducing when you can may have significant improvements.
  • If it’s hayfever you’re suffering from, have a shower to remove pollens or grasses after contact.
  • Use a natural eye rinse to wash away from eyes.
  • Wear a mask where possible if gardening, mowing lawns etc.
  • For some people certain foods may aggravate their hay fever symptoms even further. They may at other times of the year feel they can tolerate them but when the pollens are in full bloom their immune systems are already over reactive and struggling. Foods to experiment with and try eliminating during this period are wheat/gluten, sugar, yeast and dairy.
  • Try a food diary – record everything you eat in a day for 1-2 weeks and see if you can see any patterns with your symptoms.
  • If sinus is your thing check out my ‘sinus to do’ list here

NAET has great results with symptoms associated with allergies and intolerances and is safe during pregnancy. If you’d like a personalised tailored assessment contact us here.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][stm_sidebar sidebar=”2600″][/vc_column][/vc_row]